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Illustration "Dialog"

Sharing Solutions: Das bonn institute auf dem GMF 2024

— Beim diesjährigen Global Media Forum der Deutschen Welle in Bonn drehte sich alles rund um Lösungen. Am 17. und 18. Juni kamen Menschen aus aller Welt aus der Medienbranche, Politik, Wissenschaft, Bildung, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft im World Conference Center zusammen, um über aktuelle gesellschaftspolitische Konflikte und Herausforderungen im Journalismus zu diskutieren. Im Mittelpunkt standen diesmal nicht die Probleme – sondern konstruktive und innovative und Ansätze, diesen zu begegnen.
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Ellen Heinrichs spricht in Perugia

Seven things journalists can do to counter news avoidance

— At #ijf24 in Perugia, Ellen Heinrichs and Nic Newman presented seven strategies for combating news fatigue that have already proven successful in practice.
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Männchen jongliert.


Mental health, self-care and resilience in journalism

— Many journalists work under stressful, sometimes dangerous conditions, and regularly come face to face with severe human suffering. In such an environment, it is essential to take care of oneself in order to preserve one’s health, motivation to work and a constructive mind-set. Learn how in the 12th and final article of “Psychology for Journalists”. By Katja Ehrenberg and Margarida Alpuim
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Abstrakte Darstellung von Kommunikationselementen mit einem lachenden Charakter, einem Mikrofon und stilisierten Mediengeräten, um die Dynamik der Medienpsychologie zu veranschaulichen.


The Harvard Principles applied to journalism: From conflicting positions to constructive dialogues

— How journalists can get inspiration from mediation principles to develop and use constructive practices for dialogue when moderating discussions and reporting on divisive issues. Part 11 of the series “Psychology for Journalists”. By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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Zeichnung eines Männchens, welches auf einer Box steht


Psychological effects of power: What journalists need to know

— Being powerful or powerless affects what we pay attention to and how we think, feel, make decisions, and behave. Find out how to recognise particular signals of power or powerlessness in others and how to use your own power constructively in your everyday journalistic practice. Part 10 of our article series “Psychology for Journalists”. By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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Diverse Figuren in allen Formen und Größen repräsentieren die Diversität von Menschen


Unboxing people: How to de-construct clichés and counter prejudice in reporting

— Social categorisation, prejudice and the role of the media: Relevant research findings and scientifically solid tools and tips for editorial practice to responsibly counter social divisions and hate. Part 9 of the "Psychology for Journalists'' article series
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Illustration eines Fernglases auf einem Stativ


Artificial Intelligence in Journalism

— "Prompt Book" – a Constructive AI Toolkit for Journalists. The Bonn Institute, in collaboration with its project partners, is developing guidelines for the responsible and constructive use of generative AI in journalism. We will provide the results, research tips, and tools for editorial everyday life here.
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Figur in hoffnungsvoller Pose


From helpless to hopeful: How journalists can inspire audiences to feel more empowered

— How to do journalism that fosters hopefulness and informed action — plus, special tips for climate reporting. Part 8 of the article series "Psychology for Journalists". By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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Unsortierte Bilder eines Wesens


Heels over head? How order can change a whole story

— What you hear first about an issue may subconsciously affect your research, interview style and give a twist to your storytelling. Learn more about order effects, plus get some tools and tips to responsibly account for these in your journalistic work in part 7 of the article series “Psychology for Journalists”. By Katja Ehrenberg and Margarida Alpuim
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2 Figuren beim Interview


Appreciative Inquiry: How to ask questions that focus on growth

— How an approach from organisational psychology can help journalists craft questions to make their reporting more constructive. Part 6 of the series “Psychology for Journalists”. By Margarida Alpuim and Katja Ehrenberg
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