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b° local launches!

b° local – an innovative, year-long program from the Bonn Institute and the Association of German Local Newspapers and Local Media (VDL) – has started. Throughout 2025, ten editorial teams will receive continuous input on solutions-oriented local journalism. They will produce solutions articles while measuring and discussing their success.

b° local logo

The following papers and media organizations are taking part:

  • Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung 
  • Westfalen-Blatt
  • Dithmarscher Landeszeitung
  • Siegener Zeitung
  • Sindelfinder Zeitung/ Böblinger Zeitung
  • Walsroder Zeitung
  • Ibbenbürener Volkszeitung
  • Neue Westfälische
  • Der Nordschleswiger
  • Schleswig-Holsteinischer Zeitungsverlag sh:z

b° local was developed by the Bonn Institute together with editorial consultant Stéphanie Barsch. The program helps organizations transform their journalism at the content level by innovatively connecting factors that are crucial for success.

Strategy: Sustainable change only works if everyone is on board. That's why the program actively involves editorial and management teams.

Teamwork: Publishers start with teams of three – innovation needs more than lone fighters.

Measuring performance: A common database is created to provide continuous insights into project success.

Craft: The program offers practical approaches for everyone who is already addressing user needs or wants to start meeting user needs better in their day-to-day content-producing work.

Knowledge transfer: Continuous input and on-the-job support, plus networking within the project group. In addition, all learning content and teaching tips are license-free for further internal departmental coaching after the program's conclusion.

Registration for b° local 2025 is closed, but there is already a waiting list for the program's next cohort. For those of you who don't want to wait that long, it is possible for departments to book 1 to 2-day workshops.

The collaboration with the Bonn Institute was very fruitful for our organization. Everyone who participated in the seminar with Lisa Urlbauer now has a sound theoretical basis in constructive journalism. They feel well-equipped to try out new approaches thanks to the many practical examples and tips for their day-to-day editorial work. The seminar was an excellent complement to the "Drive" project, in which our publishing house is involved.

Many thanks to Holger Siebnich (local coordinator for eleven local editorial offices at Badische Neueste Nachrichten) for the great feedback on the in-house workshop!

If you want to learn more about the program, email b-local@bonn-institute.org

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