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For Journalists & Editors

Illustration "Redaktion"

The Bonn Institute provides journalists, editors and their departments numerous opportunities to tackle constructive journalism at different levels and in different ways, from our online introductory workshops or conferences and journalism festivals to our Constructive Circle and customized projects and workshops.

Working together, we'll answer the following questions:

  • What is constructive journalism and how does it work?
  • How can I implement constructive journalism in a department's everyday routines?
  • What are some examples of best practices?
  • Can constructive journalism really make a difference?

We are constantly expanding our offerings and plan to host workshops focused on how constructive climate reporting and solutions-oriented debate formats can be effective.

Your contact person

Are our offerings not quite what you're looking for? Or are you interested in a customized workshop for your department? Reach out to hello@bonn-institute.org.

Do you have questions about the online introductory workshops or our conferences? Get in touch with Lisa Urlbauer.

Are you a trainer who wants to offer workshops? Please contact Lisa Urlbauer

  1. Grundlagen-Workshop

    Grundlagen konstruktiver Journalismus

    11 Uhr bis 12.30 Uhr

    Der Kurs findet digital via Zoom statt.

  2. Masterclass

    Konstruktive Klimaberichterstattung

    Tag 1: 12:00 bis 18:00 Uhr (optional: gemeinsames Abendessen für Selbstzahler)
    Tag 2: 9:00 bis 16:30 Uhr

    Gemeinschaftswerks der Evangelischen Publizistik
    Emil-von-Behring-Straße 3
    60439 Frankfurt am Main

  3. Festival

    b° future festival 2024

    In der Bonner Innenstadt

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