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Introduction to Constructive Journalism

The beginner course is designed for those who have little or no experience with constructive journalism.


Illustration "Dialog"

In this digital beginners' course, we want to answer the following questions with you:

  • What is constructive journalism, and how does it work?
  • What are the three main aspects of constructive journalism?
  • How can constructive journalism help society?
  • Is constructive journalism financially viable for newsrooms?
  • How can I delve deeper into the topic at the Bonn Institute?




The course takes place in digital form via Zoom.

Teilnahme & Kosten

Please register for the beginner course in advance via Zoom.

The online course is free of charge.

Register here
Foto von Lisa Urlbauer

Lisa Urlbauer



Laura Postma


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Wir wollen Euch auf den neusten Stand bringen, wie Journalismus sich für Medien und Gesellschaft lohnen kann, in dem er lösungsorientierter, perspektivenreicher und konstruktiver berichtet. Mit Best-Practice-Beispielen, Veranstaltungstipps, unserer Arbeit am Bonn Institute oder tollen Menschen aus unserer Community versorgen wir euch 14-täglich mit Informationen. Melde Dich an: b° there or b° square!
